Kerry | Bruker Avance III 500 MHz with 5 mm 13C/15N(1H) Cryogenic Probe / Samplejet | $6/hr | $85/hr |
Kurgan | Bruker Avance III 600 MHz with 5 mm 1H/19F(13C/15N) Cryogenic Probe / Samplejet | $8/hr | $100/hr |
Dexter | Bruker Avance III 600 MHz with 5 mm 1H(13C/15N) Cryogenic Probe | $8/hr | $100/hr |
Vosges | Bruker Avance III 600 MHz (SOLID) | $8/hr | $100/hr |
Ribeye | Varian VNMRS 600 MHz (SOLID) | $8/hr | $100/hr |
Taurus | Varian VNMRS DD2 600 MHz (SOLID) | $8/hr | $100/hr |
Ayshire | Varian VNMRS 750 MHz wide bore (SOLID) | $10/hr | $125/hr |
Gelbvieh | Agilent 800 MHz with Salt Tolerant 5 mm 1H(>13C/15N) Cryogenic Probe | $10/hr | $125/hr |
Fleckvieh | Bruker Avance III HD 900 MHz with 5 mm 1H(13C/15N) Cryogenic Probe | $12/hr | $150/hr |
Girolando | Bruker Avance NEO 900 MHz (SOLID) | $12/hr | $150/hr |
Lakenvelder | Bruker Avance NEO 1.1 GHz (SOLID) | $20/hr | $200/hr |
Staff Time | Routine spectra can be obtained and analyzed by facility staff on a service basis per half an hour increment. Staff members are available for consultation on experiment design and training in data acquisition and processing. | $75/hr | $150/hr |
Salt Tolerant Susceptibility Matched Slot Tubes |
*Note: “Industry rate” Proprietary use of the facility equipment is permitted, but charged at industry rate. An NDA will be in place before an industrial user starts a project. Projects of a proprietary nature must be disclosed to NMRFAM prior to the first use of NMRFAM equipment, and NMRFAM reserves the right to decline research of this nature. Proprietary projects are charged at the industry rate, and publication of the result is not required.