SampleJet is an automated sample handler in use at NMRFAM which is manufactured by Bruker (more information). The SampleJet utilizes the modern-day industry standard for sample arrangements – the 96 well plate array. Therefore, the samples may be handled by standard lab automation devices before or after the NMR measurement. It’s imperative that you read these instructions prior to using NMRFAM’s SampleJet, because any errors in working with this system may be very costly to you and your organization.
Before you do anything with the SampleJet, make sure that no NMR experiment is still actively being run by someone else. Therefore, the rule is start TopSpin before you operate the SampleJet to avoid unintentionally ejecting another user’s sample while an experiment is running. If topspin won’t run due to a licensing issue, someone else is most likely still logged in and using the software. Seek advice on how to proceed from this point by any NMRFAM staff member.
By default, the SampleJet is to be left in Automatic Mode (1.7 mm Shuttle mode for Kurgan, 5 mm Shuttle mode for Kerry and Dexter).
WARNING: Never exit TopSpin with your sample in the magnet and the SampleJet in manual mode! Your PI will pay for the damage caused by your sample tube being crashed by the SampleJet inside the (cryo)probe (Probe cost ~$125,000- $150,000)!
To Change to Manual Mode
- Open the web browser (there is a web browser icon on the top panel after system).
- Type in “samplejet” in the address bar (or enter
- Click Login tab on the left, click Login in the sub-menu.
- Login as User, with password “bruker”. System will show Login as User successful.
- Click Basic Service, then Basic Commands in the sub-menu.
- Go to the section Change Operating Mode, click Manual. This will automatically bring whatever is inside the magnet (the shuttle and sample) back into position within the SampleJet. The system will automatically restore the sample to the appropriate location.
- Be patient, watch the status of the SampleJet at the bottom of the webpage until the Operating Mode displays Manual. You can now use the standard eject (ej) and inject (ij) commands to raise and lower the sample and spinner.
- Once you are done with your experiments, you are RESPONSIBLE for removing your sample from the magnet before you exit TopSpin!
To Change Back to Automatic Mode
- Once your sample is removed, you MUST change the SampleJet back to automatic mode (1.7 mm Shuttle mode for Kurgan, 5 mm Shuttle mode for Dexter and Kerry).
- Go to the same webpage, read the warning message in red at the bottom.
- Make sure magnet is empty before you leave manual mode!
- That is, you must eject your sample first.
- Go to the section Change Operating Mode, click 1.7 mm-Shuttle for Kurgan, 5 mm-Shuttle for Kerry and Dexter.
- Wait for a while, the SampleJet will return to the default automatic mode.
WARNING: Never exit TopSpin with your sample in the magnet and the SampleJet in manual mode! Your PI will pay for the damage caused by your sample tube being crashed by the SampleJet inside the (cryo)probe (Probe cost ~$125,000- $150,000)!