NMRFAM Sponsor Acknowledgements
All publications resulting from research at NMRFAM must acknowledge the facility and its funding sources (this is a requirement of the grants that support NMRFAM).
Want to start a new project or become a new user at NMRFAM? Click below for how to get started!
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How to become an NMRFAM user
To use NMRFAM, you will need to have an iLab login AND an NMRhub login.
We use iLab for time requests and billing.
Non-proprietary data acquired on our spectrometers is backed up in the NAN data archive and can be accessed through the NAN data browser. You will need to provide us with your NMRhub username, and then will be able to access your data through the NAN portal shortly after experiment acquisition is complete. Your data will only be accessible through your login unless you share it or make it public.
Your data is also archived locally, and we can provide additional routes to access your data directly from our servers using Globus or NetID login.
For each project that you want to carry out, you will need to submit a new project form. Once the project is approved, you can submit multiple time requests for experiments related to that project. There are special procedures to request 1.1 GHz NMR time.
If you want to acquire your own data, either in-person or using our remote-access procedures, you will also need A UW NetID and local NMRFAM login. Please contact us for more information.
How to start a new project
To become an NMRFAM user, you first need to submit a project request. This tells us a bit about your project goals and what you hope to accomplish by NMR.
Macromolecule Structure or Function Project Form
Metabolomics Project Form
Ligand Screening Project Form
Biological Project Form
If you need help deciding whether NMR is the right approach for your problem, please fill out the project information and send to Lai Bergeman so that she can help schedule a meeting with you and NMRFAM staff with the appropriate expertise.
We offer several tiers of service depending on your level of expertise and the complexity of your project. Click here for more information.
How to schedule NMR time
- Navigate to the NMRFAM iLab page.
- Click on the “Request Time or Service” tab (pictured below).
3. Click on the “Initiate Request” button on the far right of the screen for Spectrometer Time Request.
Note: You may need to complete training in order to use specific equipment. If you require training, you must request this separately.
4. Select your name and lab associated with this request and click “Proceed”.
- Fill out any information required by the NMRFAM for the specific equipment you would like reserved.
- Save your completed form.
- Select the appropriate funding string for the request from the ‘Select UW funding’ drop down.
- Click the “Submit request to researcher” button to send your reservation request to NMRFAM for review.
- Navigate to the NMRFAM iLab page.
- Click the “Current Month” tab (pictured below).
- Navigate to the equipment you would like to schedule time on. Click on the “View Schedule” button on the far right of the screen of the corresponding spectrometer you are reserving time on.
- Note: You may need to complete training in order to use specific equipment. If you require training, you must request this separately
4. Double click on the calendar and find your name and your lab. Click Next.
5. Follow steps below to reserve time on spectrometer.
6. Complete all required reservation information
- Confirm the time(s) selected
Confirm your funding7. Submit the request to NMRFAM by clicking “Save and Approve”.
8.Your reservation is complete! Please email NMRFAM Administrator if you have any questions.
Tiers of Service
Tiers of Service
NMRFAM offers several tiers of service, accommodating novice to expert NMR users. See below for costs, deliverables, and example project types!
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Tier 0 Service
These projects require minimal staff support. NMRFAM staff will place the NMR tube (solution) or pre-packed rotor (solids) in the spectrometer and then hand off spectrometer operation for independent remote data acquisition by an expert NMR user. NMRFAM staff will assist these users with monitoring the instrument performance and data quality. User should include in request form the temperature and pulse sequences to be used.
For solid-state NMR samples, NMRFAM staff will confirm sample and rotor integrity at benchtop spinning stations before beginning experiments in order to mitigate the risk from rotor crashes. User should include in request form the spinning rate, temperature range and pulse sequences required.
If sequences are not in the standard NMRFAM library, user should request higher Tier service in order to consult with NMRFAM staff and ensure safe operation and testing.
Deliverable: A defined amount of time on a properly functioning spectrometer as requested by the user and support in changing samples and facilitating remote collection.
Cost: Users are charged only for spectrometer time.
Tier 1 Service
These projects may require additional NMRFAM staff time but have well-defined workflows that do not require significant modification or adaptation for the individual project.
These may include routine solid-state NMR experiments (see list here) that require additional staff time for sample packing and testing, routine solution NMR experiments performed by our staff on behalf of a researcher without NMR expertise, or project-specific data analysis that can be performed using automated routines.
It is expected that NMRFAM staff would not be co-authors on publications resulting from these projects, but the individuals involved would be acknowledged by name along with the Resource itself. “This study made use of the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison, which is supported by NIH grant R24GM141526.”
Deliverables: Raw and processed spectral data are provided to the user. Processing includes reconstruction of non-uniformly sampled data, Fourier transform, phasing and baseline correction to validate that data sets have been properly acquired. Additional deliverables may be included as described below under Tier 1a.
Cost: Users are charged for spectrometer time, plus pre-defined costs for specific services, such as rotor packing or automated assignment listed as additional deliverables. If preliminary analysis indicates greater complexity than expected (internal dynamics, oligomerization, etc.) or automated data analysis fails, staff will notify the user immediately that the project is escalated to Tier 2 and set up a meeting to discuss the results to date and estimates for additional time, effort and cost to complete the project.
Typical examples of Tier 1 Service include:
Solution NMR
- Acquisition and processing of 1D 1H spectra for metabolomics studies for a small number of samples (typically pilot studies)
- Acquisition and processing of standard 2D spectra for metabolomics studies for a small number of samples (typically pilot studies)
- Acquisition and processing of 2D NMR spectra (1H/15N HSQC, 1H/15N TROSY, 1H/13C HSQC, 1H/13C HMQC, 1H/1H NOESY, 1H/1H COSY, 1H/1H TOCSY etc).
- Acquisition and processing of standard backbone walk triple-resonance assignment experiments.
- Acquisition and processing of standard 3D solution NMR experiments for side-chain assignment.
- Acquisition and processing of 2D, 3D, or 4D NOESY spectra.
- Acquisition and processing of protein RDC data for user-supplied samples and alignment conditions.
- Acquisition and processing of titration series for mapping of chemical shift perturbations in proteins that have already been assigned. Staff review spectral dispersion and sensitivity to confirm feasibility before initiation.
- Acquisition and processing of standard ps-ns timescale solution NMR experiments for a protein that has already been assigned.
- Acquisition and processing of standard µs-ms (CPMG, CEST, R1rho) or ms-s (ZZ-exchange, EXSY) timescale dynamics experiments.
Solid-State NMR
- Rotor packing of powder samples (stable at room temperature, not air sensitive)
- Acquisition of standard 13C-detected 2D and 3D SSNMR spectra for protein assignment and structure.
- Acquisition of standard 1H-detected 2D and 3D SSNMR spectra for comparison of the conformation and dynamics of a protein in solution (solution NMR) with the precipitated state, high molecular weight complex, or membrane-environment (1H-detected SSNMR).
Tier 1a
Additional services and deliverables that utilize standard approaches but require a finite amount of dedicated staff time and effort. Estimated cost for these services is provided in advance and calculated based on the hours of staff time required.
Solution NMR
- Optimization of solution NMR sample conditions in collaboration with the user (protein concentration, temperature, pH, salt, buffer).
- Routine backbone assignment of small proteins (<15 kD) that can be completed with ADAPT NMR or acquisition of a standardized set of 3D backbone-walk experiments and fully automated assignment procedures in NMRFAM-Sparky/iPINE. Staff will evaluate the quality of preliminary 2D spectra to ensure the protein is properly folded and well-behaved before initiating 3D data acquisition and will review the quality of the final 3D data and automated assignments. Deliverables: Processed spectra with assignments, Chemical shift-derived analysis of secondary structure using TALOS and PECAN. BMRB deposition file with input from user to complete sample preparation details. Note: NMRFAM staff should be included as authors on the BMRB deposition and initial publication of the assignments.
- Titration: Standard titration analysis with TITAN, CHESCA, or similar software.
- Solution NMR Dynamics: Site-specific R1 and R2 relaxation rates and heteronuclear NOE values with error estimates. Plot of relaxation dispersion data by residue.
Solid-State NMR
- Rotor packing for biological solid-state NMR samples.
- 13C-detected: Secondary structure analysis by residue type, COMPASS analysis of global protein fold.
- 1H-detected: Comparison of resonances from 1H-detect SSNMR spectra with solution NMR assignments.
Tier 2 Service
These projects use standard established NMR technology but require additional, well-defined intellectual effort from staff for data acquisition and/or analysis. A phone or Zoom meeting is set up to review preliminary data, project goals, and design experiments and to set the exact deliverables, scope of work. NMRFAM staff may be co-authors on resulting publications, in addition to acknowledgment of the Resource. “This study made use of the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison, which is supported by NIH grant R24GM141526.”
Cost: A budget estimate is provided in advance and projects are scheduled ≈2 months in advance, contingent upon staff and spectrometer availability. Users are charged for spectrometer time and for project-specific staff time.
Typical examples of Tier 2 Service include:
Solution NMR
- Acquisition of significant quantities of metabolomics data, metabolomics data analysis & interpretation (including metabolite identification and quantification), and/or optimization of data collection protocols.
- Structure-based assignment of methyl groups in proteins in moderately-sized proteins (≈20-40kD)
- Backbone assignment of moderately sized proteins (more than 15 kDa but less than ≈25 kDa).
- Optimization of alignment conditions for RDC experiments, optimization of titration points, or other optimization of experimental design and conditions that requires dedicated staff effort and consideration of specific sample properties.
- Assignment of RNA under conditions amenable to protocols previously developed by NMRFAM.
- NOE-based structure determination of small to moderate sized proteins, since this usually requires iterative evaluation of progress and quality by an expert even when using automated methods. Deliverables: raw and processed data, BMRB-ready NMRSTAR files for deposition of assignments and structural constraints, PDB structure file, notes of any areas with limited constraints or other concerns.
- Expanded analysis and interpretation of dynamics experiments for small to moderate sized proteins. Deliverables: (1) ps-ns timescale: model free analysis or spectral density mapping to determine global and residue-specific parameters; (2) µs-ms timescale: relaxation dispersion profiles or CEST profiles by residue, identification of residues undergoing exchange, estimated rates from independent fits of the data for each residue, clustering of residues with similar rates and global 2-state analysis to extract the relative populations and chemical shifts of each state along with the forward and reverse rate constants; (3) ms-s timescale, the relative populations and exchange rate (kex) by residue, clustering of similar residues and global 2-state analysis.
Solid-State NMR
- Expert adjustment of data collection conditions (temperature, MAS rate, decoupling or recoupling sequences) to obtain optimal sensitivity and resolution for SSNMR data. Deliverable: Raw and processed spectra.
- Acquisition and processing of 3D or higher dimensionality SSNMR data utilizing non-uniform sampling or simultaneous acquisition. Deliverable: Raw and processed spectra.
Tier 3 Service
These projects require more substantial intellectual effort from NMRFAM staff who will work with the user to develop a plan for preliminary data collection to assess feasibility, develop a cost estimate, and set benchmarks for go/no-go decision making. Deliverables are agreed on at the outset, scheduling is contingent of staff availability, and projects are reviewed quarterly for progress toward goals. These projects may require significant project-specific refinement of approach. NMRFAM staff would be co-authors on resulting publications in addition to acknowledgment of additional specific technical contributors and the Resource. “This study made use of the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison, which is supported by NIH grant R24GM141526.”
Tier 3 projects may also leverage the technology development resources of the NMRFAM P41 grant, in which case the project would gain early access to new technologies. Tier 3 projects that align closely with technology development aims of the P41 grant may also be considered for transition to Driving Biomedical Projects. For a description of the P41 technology development project, please see this page. All decisions regarding use of P41 technology or transition to DBP will be made in close consultation with NMRFAM staff. If P41 technology is utilized or the project is approved as a DBP, any resulting publications should also cite “This study made use of technology developed at the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison with support from NIH grant P41GM136463.”
Cost: A budget estimate is provided in advance and projects are scheduled ≈2 months in advance, contingent upon staff availability. Users are charged for spectrometer time and for project-specific staff time (usually at least 20% effort for 3 months or more for this project tier).
Typical examples of Tier 3 Service include:
Solution NMR
- Backbone assignment of large (>25 kD) proteins in solution
- Structure determination of large (>25 kD) proteins in solution
- Dynamics analysis of large (>25 kD) proteins in solution
- Design of a metabolomics study involving both MS and NMR, development of specialized sample handling protocols, data processing and handling for longitudinal studies, and systems analysis of the data
- Small molecule screening by NMR of a protein against the fragment- or metabolite- libraries available at NMRFAM to identify small molecule binders, identify binding sites, and assess druggability or function.
Solid-State NMR
- Evaluation and collaborative development of sample precipitation, sedimentation or membrane reconstitution protocols for SSNMR (e.g., adjustment of membrane composition, temperature, precipitant)
- Complete resonance assignment and structure determination of a protein fibril, transmembrane peptide, membrane protein or small protein complex by SSNMR using published methodologies
- Collaborative development of project-specific pulse sequences and data analysis protocols from the literature that are not part of the standard NMRFAM pulse sequence libraries. This may also involve P41 resources.
- Utilization of new NMRFAM technologies such as prototype probe designs, new algorithms and/or spectrometer capabilities in development. This use case will usually require P41 resources.
iLab Info
iLab Registration
New Equipment Scheduling and Billing System Implementation at NMRFAM
All requests for equipment reservations and training with the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM) must be completed within the iLab calendar scheduling and billing system.
The iLab Support website is the resource for technical and user account support.
Below are detailed instructions for activating an iLab account and details for requesting NMRFAM services in iLab. For NMRFAM questions, contact the Lai Bergeman (Administrator) or facility staff with any questions.
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
How do I access iLab?
Existing users log into iLab at https://uwmadison.ilabsolutions.com/account/login
New PIs and new members should follow the instructions in the “Registering for an account” tabs below.
Registering for an account as a University of Wisconsin PI
- Navigate to the iLab login page and click the ‘Register’ button in the top right of the screen then click the ‘Registering using UW credentials’ link.
- Log in with your NetID and password.
- Search the ‘PI/Group’ dropdown for your name. If your name is not there, select the ‘My lab is not listed’ option. Fill in your contact phone number. Click the ‘register’ button.
- Once your request has been submitted, the iLab team will work with you to get your group/lab created. When this is complete, you will be able to access iLab.
- Ensure that your time zone is set to Central Standard Time
- Before you are able to request services and schedule equipment with NMRFAM, the following steps must be complete for your lab:
If your group/lab members are already registered to another group within iLab, you may add them to your group:
- In your group/lab, click the “Members” tab
- At the bottom of the page, click “Link existing user”
- Enter a name to search, click on the correct name in the results, and click “Add”
- The group/lab member will be able to select the group when ordering services or reserving resources using iLab
Most group/lab members will need to request access to your group. Group/lab members should follow the steps in the tab “Getting Started: Group/Lab Members,” below. Once they’ve requested access, complete the following steps:
- Log into iLab and select “My Groups” on the left navigation bar
- Select the name of the group/lab to which you want to add lab members
- Select the “Membership Requests & UW fundings” tab. New membership requests will show at the top of this page
- Click “Approve” to accept a member into your lab. Click “Reject” if they are not a member of your group/lab.
- Log into iLab and select “My Groups” on the left navigation bar
- Select the name of the group/lab to which you want to add funding account
- On the lab page, open the “Membership Requests & UW fundings” tab
- Scroll to the bottom and select “Manually add a new UW funding”
- Fill out the required information and select “Add”
- The funding account will now be available in the Manage UW fundings table.
- Select the corresponding staff check boxes in the column for the funding account to give them access to that funding string. Group/lab members will now be able to use that funding string to request services or make appointments
For first time user of NMRFAM iLab core, you ALSO need a one time access request – click here.
- Log into iLab and select “My Groups” on the left navigation bar
- Select the name of the group/lab for which you want to designate a manager
- On the lab page, open the “Members” tab
- Find the member you want to designate as a manager and select the yellow pencil icon to the right of their name
- In the “Lvl:” dropdown, change their level to “Manager”
- If the member you have designated as a manager should also receive invoices for core services, select the “Core Financial Contact” checkbox.
- Select “Save” to the right of the member’s name.
Registering for an account as an external PI
- If your institution do not have iLab – Request access to UW—Madison’s service centers: https://uwmadison.ilabsolutions.com/account/signup/1802
- If your institution has iLab – Login to your institution iLab account>click on the left hand menu icon (3 hashed lines, upper left hand corner), click on Core Facilities>choose Cores at Other Institutions from the View drop down menu> narrow down the search results by filtering on a key word> The NMRFAM core is on the second page if the search is filtered with Wisconsin.
If your group/lab members are already registered to another group within iLab, you may add them to using the following workflow:
- In your group/lab, click the “Members” tab
- At the bottom of the page, click “Link existing user”
- Enter a name to search, click on the correct name in the results, and click “Add”
- The member will be able to select the group/lab name when ordering services or reserving resources using iLab
Most members will need to request access to your lab. Once they’ve requested access, complete the following steps:
- Log into iLab and select “My Groups” on the left navigation bar
- Select the name of the group/lab to which you want to add members
- Select the “Membership Requests & UW fundings” tab. New membership requests will show at the top of this page
- Click “Approve” to accept a member into your group/lab. Click “Reject” if they are not a member of your group.
- Log into iLab and select “My Groups” on the left navigation bar
- Select the name of the group/lab for which you want to designate a manager
- On the group/lab page, open the “Members” tab
- Find the member you want to designate as a manager and select the yellow pencil icon to the right of their name
- In the “Lvl:” dropdown, change their level to “Manager”
- If the member you have designated as a manager should also receive invoices for core services, select the “Financial Contact” checkbox.
- Select “Save” to the right of the member’s name.
Registering an account as a group/lab user
- Navigate to the core page: https://uwmadison.ilabsolutions.com/account/login
- Click the ‘Register’ link in the top right of the page
- If you have a NetID, click the ‘Register using UW Credentials’ button then follow the onscreen instructions to log in with your UW NetID
- If you do not have a NetID, click the ‘Register for an iLab account’ button and follow the onscreen instructions to create an account.
- You will be directed to an iLab Registration page where you will need to select your PI/Group, and verify your contact information
- If your PI/Group is not available in the drop down, refer your PI to the instructions “Registering for an account as a UW PI” or “Registering for an account as an external PI” above.
- Once your registration has been submitted, your PI will receive a notification from iLab that you have requested membership to their group/lab. They will need to approve your membership and assign one or more funding accounts for your use.
For first time user of NMRFAM iLab core, you also need a one time access request – click here.
Joining a new group/lab
If you are in one group/lab and need access to another, you may either request to join the group directly, or the group management must add you.
The first method to join a new group is to request access directly. To do so, follow these steps:
- Click on the navigation menu
- Click on “Manage Groups”
- Click “Request Group Access”
You will now see the option to choose your institution (University of Wisconsin – Madison) and the group/lab you would like access to. Simply start typing the name of the PI and the group will appear. Click on the desired group/lab and click “Request Access”. The PI or manager will now be able to approve your request.
The second method to join a group/lab is for the PI to add you. They will complete the following steps:
- In the group/lab, click on the “Members” tab
- At the bottom of the page, click “Link existing user”
- Enter a name to search, click on the correct name in the results, and click “Add”
- The member will be able to select the group/lab name when ordering services or reserving resources using iLab
Click here for a current listing of NMRFAM staff and contact information.