NMRFAM Facility

NIH Request for Information – Please Respond!

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) has an open Request for Information (RFI) related to the NIGMS National and Regional Resources (NRR) and the Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination (BTOD) Center programs.

The NMRFAM user program is an NIGMS National Research Resource (NRR), and our technology development program is a BTOD center. We encourage you to submit comments describing the value of having NMR as a technology supported through Research Resources and BTODs, and how these programs benefit your NIH-funded research, the NMR community and broader biomedical research community

To learn more about the specific information requested and how to submit aresponse, please read the NIGMS feedback loop post and the associated RFI. All responses are voluntary, anonymous, and must be submitted electronically viathe web form by September 30, 2024. 

NMRFAM Sponsor Acknowledgements

All publications resulting from research at NMRFAM must acknowledge the facility and its funding sources (this is a requirement of the grants that support NMRFAM).

This study made use of the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison, an NIH Biomedical Technology Research Resource Center NIH R24GM141526. Helium recovery equipment, computers, and infrastructure for data archive were funded by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, NIH P41GM136463, R24GM141526 and by the United States National Science Foundation Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure Big Idea under Grant No. 1946970.  

For use of the following specific spectrometers, please cite the corresponding instrumentation grant: 

Lakenvelder NSF 1946970 

Girolando S10OD034243 

Ayrshire, Phoenix HFXY 1.6 mm Probe R35GM118131 and R01GM095839

Kerry S10RR023438 

Kurgan S10RR025062 

Question on citation for your publications, please contact Lai Bergeman.

Donate to NMRFAM

US deductible donations can be made to NMRFAM. Please write check payable to:

UW Foundation, Account 112152802 and mail to:

Attn: Bria Judkins

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Department of Biochemistry

433 Babcock Dr.

Madison WI 53706