NMRFAM research and collaborations have resulted in a large number of publications in leading peer-reviewed journals and books since its founding in 1985. As result of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access Policy, NMRFAM publications published after early 2008 are freely available to any researcher or student through the NIH’s PubMed Central (PMC) database.
All NMRFAM Citations and Associated PMC Links at PubMed / NCBI
All publications resulting from research at NMRFAM must be deposited into the PMC.
NMRFAM is supported by NIH. All final, peer-reviewed manuscripts that made use of NMRFAM facilities, staff expertise, technology or training must comply with NIH public access policies. Updates to this policy made in 2024 will be effective for manuscripts accepted after 12/31/25.
NIH Public Access Policy: Overview
Additionally, all publications resulting from research at NMRFAM must acknowledge NMRFAM in their publication.
For use of the facility through the user program, please use the following statement:
This study made use of the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison, an NIH National and Regional Resource NIH R24GM141526. Helium recovery equipment, computers, and infrastructure for data archive were funded by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, NIH R24GM141526, and National Science Foundation NSF 1946970 (NSF Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure Big Idea).
For users with driving biomedical projects that are intertwined with NMRFAM technology development, please use the following statement:
This study made use of the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison, an NIH Biomedical Technology Research Resource Center NIH P41GM136463. Helium recovery equipment, computers, and infrastructure for data archive were funded by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, NIH R24GM141526, and National Science Foundation NSF 1946970 (NSF Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure Big Idea).
For use of the following specific spectrometers, please cite the corresponding instrumentation grant:
Lakenvelder NSF 1946970 (National Science Foundation Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure Big Idea)
Girolando NIH S10OD034243
Ayrshire, Phoenix HFXY 1.6 mm Probe NIH R35GM118131 and NIH R01GM095839
Kerry NIH S10RR023438
Kurgan NIH S10RR025062
It is very important that you acknowledge the facility in all of your publications that benefited from NMRFAM since publications associated with each funding mechanism are reviewed as a measure of productivity. This, in turn, has an impact on the funds available to support NMRFAM to keep rates low, make new technology accessible, and provide training in solution and solid-state NMR.