
Use vncserver to start a VNC server on an NMRFAM computer

If you are NOT physically logged into the NMRFAM computer, use vncserver to start a virtual desktop to run experiments remotely, process or analyze data

  1. Start a VNC server on the spectrometer computer

On Windows computers we are going to use MobaXterm to open a terminal (and later to connect to the VNC server).

If you don’t have it already, download and install MobaXterm on your Windows computer (https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download.html).

  • Start MobaXterm and open a terminal window on your computer
  • In the terminal window, ssh to the gateway computer:

ssh <username>@login1.nmrfam.wisc.edu

  • Replace <username> with your NMRFAM username
  • Enter your NMRFAM password
  • ssh to the NMRFAM computer (e.g. kerry)

ssh kerry

  • Enter your NNMRFAM password
  • Start VNC server with command:


  • Take note of the VNC server (or desktop) number that was started (e.g. kerry:2).
  • Note that the first time you start a VNC server, the computer will request you to set a VNC password. This password can be set to anything and doesn’t have to be the same as the login password. To reset the VNC password, login to the spectrometer computer as shown above and type vncpasswd.
  • Note that setting the size of the VNC server window (by using the -geometry option) is not necessary as this can be automatically set by changing the size of the VNC window on your computer (see below).
  1. Access the VNC server from your Windows computer

On Windows computers we are going to use MobaXterm to connect to the VNC server.

If you don’t have it already, download and install MobaXterm on your Windows computer (https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download.html).

On your Windows computer start MobaXterm

  • Go to “Session
  • Select “VNC” and fill in all the options:
    • In “Basic Vnc Settings
      • set “Remote hostname or IP address” to the spectrometer computer (e.g. kerry)
      • set the correct port number for the VNC server running on the spectrometer computer (e.g. use 5902 for kerry:2)
    • In “Advanced Vnc settings” > “Network setting
      • click on “Connect through SSH gateway (jump host)
      • set the “Gateway SSH server” to login1.nmrfam.wisc.edu (or login2.nmrfam.wisc.edu)
      • leave the default value for “Port
      • Under “User” enter your NMRFAM username (e.g. paulo)
    • Click on “OK
    • You will be prompted to enter your NMRFAM password
    • The next password requested is the VNC password
    • A new window will open with the desktop from the NMRFAM computer. Expanding it to full screen will sometimes automatically resize the VNC window size to match the resolution of your screen.
  • This session will be saved on the left bar, under “Session“. The next time you want to connect, you can double click on the session you want to start and only change the “Port” for the VNC server in “Basic Vnc settings” if different from the saved one.